The duties and responsibilities of the Directorate for the Management of the “Bjeshket e Nemuna” National Park are:
- Performing the activities for planning, conserving and sustaining the management of forest resources;
- Performing control and prevention of illegal activities in the park;
- Initiating summonses for illegal activities within the territory of the National Park;
- Drafting the management plans and projects for the protection, development and utilization of the natural resources of the “Bjeshket e Nemuna” National Park;
- Planning and implementing the measures for the protection and development of flora and fauna;
- Planning and implementing the measures for forest protection and development;
- Caring for the natural resources of the National Park and prohibiting the illegal activities, forest logging, hunting, fishing, construction of facilities, property usurpations;
- Implementation of measures for nature protection from fires, insect pests, plant diseases and various pollutants;
- Identifying people who commit ilegal acts;
- Preparing the annual report on the implementation of plans and projects in the National Park, as well as preparing the working plan.
- Taking care for the natural resources of the National Park and stopping illegal activities, stopping cutting of forest trees, hunting, fishing, building constructions, property usurpations;
- Identifying people who do illegal activities;
- Implementing the measures in protecting the nature from fire, damage pests, plant-vegetable diseases and various pollutants;
- Controlling the transport of trees in the territory of the National Park and taking legal action against irregularities in this regard;
- Controlling and maintaining the signs of external and internal borders of the National Park;
- Controlling the movements and transport in the territory of the National Park;
- Applying the mandatory penalties and the confiscation of the various working
- equipment’s by which illegal activities in the National Park are conducted.
The head of the Directorate for the Management of the “Bjeshket e Nemuna” National Park reports to the General Director.
Ligji nr. 04/l - 086 për parkun Kombëtar “Bjeshkët e Nemuna”
Studim mbi arsyeshmërinë e shpalljes së territorit të Bjeshkëve të Nemuna Park Nacional