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National System of Fire Forest Information

25 June 2021


26.06.2021-The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is supporting Kosovo institutions to develop Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Building, through the National Forest Fire Information System (NFFIS) and solutions based on Eco-System.


The main beneficiary of the project is the Kosovo Emergency Management Agency. Currently the project is in the phase of identifying the availability of data and data source by relevant institutions and Agencies in Kosovo.


In the framework of these activities, the Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency, as one of the partners and beneficiaries of the project, has hosted in separate meetings the team of Japanese experts (JET). The meetings were held at the Hydro-meteorological Institute of Kosovo and in the Directorate for Environmental Assessment, where they discussed bilateral cooperation with the project in providing data relevant to the National Forest Fire Information System (NFFIS), with a special focus on hydro-meteorological data, data on land cover, data on protected areas, as well as other data provided by KEPA.

The National Forest Fire Information System will be a reference point for important and useful source data for all institutions, whose work is related to forest fire management.